After Covid, authoritieis know they don't really have to ask for consent anymore. For anything.

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This is the most detailed narrative I have encountered of your journey from the heights of "respectable" medical academia to the greater heights of the medical freedom movement. The narrow way. It is gripping. Thanks to the two interviewers for their sensitive questions. My heart aches for the turmoil you endured (and also Dr Chris Rake; prompted by your reference I watched the clip of him also being ignominiously escorted off the UCLA campus like a criminal. I wonder how he is doing https://twitter.com/SamBraslow/status/1445571820174798854?s=20)

And yet your conscience is clear, you accepted the sacrifice, and you have found a path forward. Thank you for your brave and reasoned stand and ongoing work. I will share this interview as widely as I can, hoping especially that the med student in my family will watch it.

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Dr. Kheriaty is an absolute boss.

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Flying out of Orlando in Nov 2022, going to Frankfurt, Face ID scan was required for boarding by the airline. No option to opt out. I had never seen this done before. I had only seen it done by Customs at JFK upon arrival from Paris a few years ago, also no way to opt out. There’s gotta be a way to refuse to participate in that process.

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