If you click on the interview link, you can read a full transcript instead of watching it. Hopefully, it's available to everyone, not just subscribers. IMHO, Jan Jekielek's interviews are worth the price of an Epoch Times subscription...

Further, I will be thrilled if you answer the questions cited in your write-up! Planning to view the interview later; questions may follow.

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it is available on the podcast as well at no charge.

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Keep on telling it like it is.

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Thanks for this! I started a dissident book group here in Berkeley about a month ago. We are meeting to discuss our first read this evening. We read the Power of the Powerless! Every single word of that essay resonated with me, and I hope that more people discover it as a result of this podcast. You and I met about a month ago at the Center for Bioethics and Culture event. It was a pleasure to discuss some of these ideas in person with you. Keep it up! You are giving us a lot of strength these days!

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Wow, sounds like “dissident” means something a lot different today than it did in the 60s and 70s in Berkeley!

The dissent of those days in the modus operandi in the majority of lecture halls today.

God bless your efforts!

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