Dec 3, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Growing up I often wondered how these things could happen. Now, as the mother of a 7 and 10 year old, I can’t answer their questions about why this IS HAPPENING.

We remain pure bloods in no small part because authoritarianism is far more lethal than any virus, especially this one, and I will not be part of handing tyranny and authoritarianism along to my children.

Still……… I can’t explain how blind, gullible, and hateful so many are. The data is so obvious. The failures so clear. And yet, the doubling down by so many continues.

I do see hope. While I would have absolutely preferred, for the sake of my parents, that the vaccines really worked (and didn’t have a terrible side effect profile), my parents have pointed out to me, that for the sake of my kids, perhaps the best thing is that they don’t work all that well or for all that long. If they did then the authoritarianism would be growing, but because the “mitigation,” especially the vaccines with new technology, haven’t really worked, resistance to continuing failed policies and forced vaccinations is growing. In the long run, they might be the best outcome for the next generation.

Much like guns cause a lot of small destruction, which is heartbreaking, every day, our right to bear arms likely saves us from tyranny and authoritarianism, which over the long run, is far more lethal than the gun violence we endure in exchange.

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

I have never been inclined toward mass protest, but the following occurs to me. They can pick us off one by one, but if enough people resist in the name of individual rights, they will not dare to lock us all up.

I sense an "I'm Spartacus!" moment coming.

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Correct. The only remedy is in unified resistance.

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

I am so grateful for Aaron and other’s with a louder voice like him. I agree that noncompliance is necessary and it’s been evident a while.

At first my husband and I didn’t get vaccinated because we are low risk, we’ve continued to travel and live our lives so we haven’t a clue of we’ve had Covid. We decided to wait and see. We are healthy. I’m not even 40 (my husband just turned 42). We did encourage our parents to get vaccinated early. They did, but all 4 have decided against boosters because that is there way to refuse to comply for the sake of their young grandchildren. They are horrified by what they see happening in society.

When summer came and it was clear the mandates were going to follow, our objections became about resisting authoritarianism. We knew we couldn’t be part of complying because we knew the more adults who complied the more likely they’d come after the kids, our kids (and have in very high compliance places).

Now that’s our main motivation. If we comply our children are at that much greater risk, not just from this vaccine they don’t need, but also from future medical tyranny.

My kids both already talk about “their kids” down the road. Medical tyranny leads to policies like the “one child” disaster in China. If they can force children to take a new vaccine, for something they aren’t at risk of, with unknowable long term consequences, forced sterilization is not that big of a stretch when put in contact of the “climate change” debate.

While I am pro-choice early, which I sit in uncomfortably, I’ve already watched “early, safe, and rare” become demands to murder full term babies in the last 2 1/2 decades. Killing in the 3rd trimester has nothing at all to do with “my body my choice.” I’d argue that ends somewhere between 10-14 weeks. In any event, a pregnant woman’s body must give birth to a 3rd trimester baby wether or not the baby is proactively killed with a shot in the heart or burned alive with saline first. A 3rd trimester abortion is ONLY about killing the baby. If the mom’s life is at risk, the standard of care is emergency c-section or induced labor. In a 3rd trimester abortion the baby is proactively killed and then delivered 1-2 days later.

This whole recent movement seems to be about dehumanizing and devaluing the next generation. Destructive gender ideology, sexualization of little kids, regressive CRT and pushes to re-segregate society…….. it’s all getting so evil. Just look how the “I have a right to an abortion whenever I want” crowd is the same crowd demanding school closures for public school kids and masked toddlers. It’s sad, it’s terrifying.

It’s also so opposed to nature snd the natural order of things it simply must end. Aa a mom, I must be part of making it end. My kids are my world, not disposable accessories.

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Standing up to tyranny amidst personal loss is a sign of great integrity. With you. Onward.

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Thank you, Brooke -- so grateful for your encouragement and support.

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Thank you for fighting. Thank you for leading. Happy to be a paid subscriber and help in this small way. This change will turn out to be a blessing in disguise. New challenges, new adventures, new skills, new friends. Great people are destined to do great things! No fear only hope.

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Thank you!

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Ditto. happy to be paid subscriber, and I try to share heavy into social media regardless of their efforts to cancel the content. Twitter has been pretty successful ... I will continue to share abroad. #NoFearOnlyHope

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Thank you!

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

With the number of studies now over 130 showing natural immunity is more robust I only pray that you can have justice in the future. For this unscientific tyranny I hope you get victory in court. Best to you in your new endeavors you are an encouragement to many.

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Thank you for continuing to share your thoughts on these matters, big and small (though I see them as big, all the way around, as they relate to keeping freedom an essential God-given right) and for pointing out the atrocities now and where they will lead us in the future. What is happening in some parts of Europe and Australia would have been unimaginable two years ago. It's scary to see and to accept this is happening, and even more scary to know that people will continue to reject these truths in the name of their party affiliation or their state of fear.

How to reach those who are hypnotized? I'm not sure. But you and others with impeccable backgrounds to discuss these issues are really providing a light in these darkest of times.

I am grateful.

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Yours is an incredibly important voice, thanks for speaking up.

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

I'm so relieved to see this creeping malignancy being given a name. I have been resisting it instinctively for a while. The increasing expectation that my personal phone, which I bought with my own money, is there for purposes of surveillance, access and convenience for my employer and now, the government. I have a visceral resistance to this. To the point that I would prefer neither to have one, or to carry a decoy button phone and feign innocence when asked. "What? No, but this IS my phone. I don't have one with pictures on it."

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Horrific. Animals have more freedom. Thank you for sharing and all of your work. We have to remain resilient, find support and connection with others and work like this, and just try conversation by conversation and act by act to know that truth and integrity will prevail (but personally I think things could get worse in the short term at least. Governments - supported by MSM and the masses - seem to be doubling down on these types of measures and anyone who speaks out. We can do this!)

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