Merry Christmas, Doctor, and to all. Your perspective here is where man must begin if he would understand God and himself.

As always, I ponder our elites and their biosecurity state. I think they are trying to play god, and they are a brutal god. The good God, Who animates every motion of every strand of DNA in us, created us to know Him and love Him.

Your Christmas article is much appreciated and I wish more folks would ponder these things.

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Beautifully said! Yes, all of us, with all our 'wrongness', were created to be part of God's story. No matter our past, He loves and will continue to love each of us. May each reader seek out that love this Christmas season. God is not dead nor does He sleep. Blessings to all.

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Thank you for your reflections! I wish you a very blessed Christmas. May we all encounter the Incarnate Lord

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The Master's Way

Not ours to know the reason why,

Unanswered is our prayer,

But ours to wait for God's own time

To lift the cross we bear.

Not ours to know the reason why

From loved ones we must part,

But ours to live in faith and hope

Though bleeding be the heart.

Not ours to know the reason why

This anguish, strife and pain,

But ours to know a crown of thorns,

Thy grace for us to gain.

A cross, a bleeding heart, a crown,

What greater gifts are given?

Be still, my heart, and murmur not,

These are the keys to heaven.

'Tis ours to know the better part

Whereby a crown is won,

Then loving God I ask not why,

“Thy will, not mine, be done.”

Yea, Thy way, Lord, not mine, I pray,

I give to Thee my will,

And humbly seek Thy grace and aid,

This better part to fill.

It was not always thus with me,

I loved my way the best,

But that is past, Thy way is mine,

In it alone is rest.

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Love this. Who is the author?

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Merry Christmas to all!

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Thank you for your inspired thoughts and words! Merry, Merry Christmas to you and yours. May Christ's blessings be showered upon you this coming year and ever after!

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Sounds lovely, hope it's true, not so sure.

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Thank you so much. This is soooo beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes. I think it's the best explanation of God's love for each & every one of us that I've ever read. The video sets the frame perfectly. The gifts God has given you many🙏.

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Thank you Aaron! So beautifully inspiring and encouraging!🙏🏼

There are times we need to cling steadfastly to the Truth. And know that God, Love, Truth, infinite Mind is always present. A very present help in times of need.

I’ve been thinking about this statement from the Bible recently:

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Wishing you and your family a Blessed and Merry Christmas!🙏🏼🎄✨

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So inspired, inspiring, and truthful! Blessings to you, Dr. Kheriaty, and your family, and Merry Christmas to all!

I am pleased to be Catholic when I hear or read another Catholic like you. You have dignity.

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Love this. Merry Christmas to you. I love that there is an open conversation about the beautiful gift of Immanuel- God with us. He is with us, through it all. I love that you said He IS our prize. Because it is true. He is our Rock and Refuge. There is a scripture verse that says: Take up your cross and follow Him. And as one suffering saint said: “If you can’t carry it, just drag it.” We can rejoice in suffering. God is with us. His power is made perfect in our weakness. When we are weak, He is strong. Praise the LORD

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Wow! You get it!

We are, indeed, beloved by God.

Merry Christmas, Aaron!

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Thank you, Dr. Kheriaty. I wish you a blessed Christmas and a joyous New Year.

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Theology - the study of the nature of God and the study of our relationship with God - is a much more difficult subject than most acknowledge. When we approach the subject with too little reflection or too shallow discernment, we tend to create problems for those who might truly want to know the faith. For example, consider the following passage from your essay:

"Just knowing that God, the King of the Universe, knew and planned out every second of your life since before time began tells you everything you could ever hope to know. God is in the minutia of our lives; there is no detail He has spared. He has taken account of everything from our highest of highs to our lowest of lows and everything in between. "

This analysis does not reflect our faith. It is a Deterministic view of the world. It does not reflect Reality nor proper Theology. It certainly does not comport with a New Testament, Christian, view. The total exclusion of Free Will in the analysis dooms the exercise.

"We have a God who turned that which is most barbaric—the Crucifixion of the Son of God—into that which is most beautiful, most good, most clearly a manifestation of His love. If He could turn the Crucifixion into the Resurrection, the hope of eternal life for all mankind, surely He can take the suffering of our lives—even those which seem almost as horrible as the Crucifixion—and make them our path to the Resurrection."

Again, this analysis strays far from valid theology. It is Old Testament thinking. It is a way of avoiding the obvious. When Jesus was brought before the Sanhedrin, those steeped in OT thought did not understand the God that Jesus presented. They considered it blasphemy, and thus they ordered the Crucifixion. They believed in a puppet master deterministic God, which you present here, which was a grave theological error. As we celebrate the Incarnation, we have to be careful we do not lessen and cheapen the event with OT thinking, that, at its core, was and is flawed. The Crucifixion was not God's plan to cause suffering, it was the result of ignorance and stands, to this day, as a testament to extreme ignorance.

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The Good , the True and the Beautiful. Thanks for taking the time to share this. Merry 4th Day of Christmas

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Just beautiful.

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