So very pleased that you Dr. K are going to DC!!! I live in San Diego county, and you are our So. California hero for everything you have done!!! What an incredible panel of experts! This is wonderful news! Will be there in spirit! God Bless you and all the hero's on the panel!

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Thank you, my friend!

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I share almost everything you post on substack to Twitter, just so you know I am Teresa Cook (@Tcook1968) on Twitter.

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Thank you!

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These are interesting times when you "take a comedian seriously and the politicians as a joke."

I highly recommend "AwakenWithJR" on YT or Rumble. His satire is fantastic.

My top 3 episodes:

1. Why Life Jackets Should Be Mandatory!, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GukIoZ8d3Ew

2. The Narrative is Crumbling - 16 Reasons Why, Jan 15, 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D70kZDLGr4Q

3. This episode is actually extremely serious: Why Good People OBEY Harmful Mandates, Jan 17, 2022 , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXjvCcYpSY0

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Great videos! I had seen the first one, which is ingenious. Thank you for sharing the other two as well.

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Most welcome to hear about the panel, as well your new alliances and opportunities. For my online notes, so to speak, four take-aways from your interview: vital points I've had trouble articulating as clearly or as well when speaking with friends and family members.

1. AK: "Many of the arguments for vaccine mandates, and the supposed justification for overriding informed consent, relied on conflating these vaccines with traditional vaccines that offered sterilizing immunity."

What I find is that family members and friends are still doing this on an emotional if not cognitive level. They were sold the vaccines as the answer -- and the only answer. Consistent and recent messaging by CDC Director Dr. Walensky and most MSM commentators still strongly reinforce "vaccine", "vaccine", "vaccine".

2. AK: "But it was clear, early in 2021, that these were not sterilizing vaccines. And if that’s the case, we have to rely on traditional clinical ethics that says patients have the right to decline medical intervention if they so choose because they’re the ones who are assuming the risks and they’re the ones who are assuming the benefits."

We seem to have completely lost the risk-benefit calculation, a former standard tool of public health, and indeed, medical practice. We now have more knowledge about the vaccines: their risks, their LACK of efficacy. We now have Omicron as the dominant variant. But even before Omicron, the vax mandates for children made no sense. For otherwise healthy young adults, likewise.

3. AK: "A lot of public-health officials are afraid to say things have changed, because the vaccines were sold as the way out of the pandemic, the way out of lockdowns, a way to get the numbers down."

Not just the public health officials. The mainstream media, and a horde of celebrity and social media enforcers. Jimmy Fallon did a recent sketch demonizing the unvaccinated. Michael Hiltzik of the LA Times demands we mock the deaths of the unvaccinated. Should we also mock the deaths of those who died from the vaccine? I feel nothing but great sorrow for the family of Lisa Shaw. <https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-58330796> Should we also mock the deaths of those fully vaccinated who died while Covid-positive? The vaccines-only fallacy has been perpetuated and extended by the brutal social enforcement. Even as the definition of "fully vaccinated" changes: now two shots, two boosters.

4. AK: "Stay away from anything or anyone that proposes a one-size-fits-all policy. That’s not how medicine works. We know that this virus affects different populations very differently."

Which brings us back to recovered immunity, your lawsuit, and the concerns many parents have about vaccinating children and otherwise healthy young adults against Omicron.

Nevertheless, about 325 American institutions of higher education are requiring booster shots for the students to return to campus. And many K-12 institutions are now requiring "full vaccination". It's hard to see this as anything other than a massive experiment in public health, unjustified by either the data or what were widely accepted medical protocols and practices for the treatment of disease.

Thank you for all your good work to date, and going forward. I hope we get an end to madness soon, and a return to public health practices based on sound science and the ethical consideration of individuals: their medical needs and their civil rights. Omicron may be a blessing in disguise. Time should shortly tell.

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Agree with your comments 100%

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You are a voice of sanity and a moral inspiration to myself and many, many others. I wish you the best with upcoming Senate panel.

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The panel sponsored by Sen. Ron Johnson is fantastic. Finally, the second opinion of fantastic medical experts and doctors will be heard in the U.S. Senate and cannot be easily censored. Let's hope that Faucy and Walensky will show up and answer a lot of questions on their mishandling of Covid-19 pandemic.

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(Personal comment)

DC Event; I thought you were TOM BRADY. So then I thought you are one of the best quarterbacks of logic. Thanks doc.

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Encouraging that you will be in DC. Not able to attend but praying for your efforts in representing us all!

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Thanks for your continued efforts!

(Tiny typo - think you meant Sunday the 23rd, not the 22nd! Don't want them pitching a day early! ☺️)

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I thought the same! The march is Sunday 1/23 and the senate panel is Monday 1/24. 👍🏼

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Yes, thank you for catching those typos. Just corrected this on The post.

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I have just listened to your talk at D.C. It was fantastic! Please, post it here together with the video. Unfortunately, the part of the program with physicians had very poor connection, with interruptions, while the other parts of the program were OK. All videos should be posted. Excellent work!

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