Oct 24, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Those last two sentences! After hearing all of the condescending, imperious, shrill, righteous, and chilling warnings and edicts from tyrannical governments and employers (not to mention the scores of sanctimonious vaccinees) to "do it or else" - I can't deny that I get a thrill from reading those scathing words. So much needless anxiety has been inflicted by these heartless people onto those who have already had to deal with the illness itself and simply want to be left alone with their naturally-acquired protection. I fervently hope that the tyrants are forced to recant. If not through the courts, then through an even bigger tidal wave of damning evidence that cannot be ignored.

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Perfectly put!

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Thank you, Dani.

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Oct 24, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

This is freaking fantastic! Thank you for your courage and sharing the journey along the way.

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Oct 25, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

THANK YOU to yourself, your colleagues and Mr. Siri for taking on this task which is so important.

I was recently involved in a somewhat similar effort to bring accountability to a county government on the East Coast, albeit on a completely different issue. Despite a sustained effort on the part of the government to deny citizens due process according to the county's own code, we were ultimately successful in obtaining a public hearing with a decision in our favor.

In your case, the data and analysis are substantial, and the credibility of the cosigners is strong. The idea that this petition can be easily dismissed is absurd, yet the CDC will undoubtedly attempt to do just that. Our experience shows that you can prevail when the truth is on your side.

May God bless your efforts, and may they prevail. Thank you so much for standing up for truth, medical ethics, and common decency (which is apparently not common).

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Oct 25, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

On a humorous/spunky note, does anybody else want a tee-shirt that says, "Govern yourselves accordingly," ?!?!

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Yes, I would buy one!

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Sign me up! Unfortunately, I suspect it would be lost on those who need to take heed....

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Oct 24, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

This is truly what I have been waiting for. All of the lawsuits that have failed thus far challenging the mandates, etc., are in my opinion the fault of the legal arguments presented. The logic, the argument, and the support of such need to be beyond reproach from every angle. Petitioners need to think like judges, not just plaintiffs. It’s one thing to feel something is wrong, but something completely different to frame that wrong for a judge to understand and be convinced of it. I am sure that the lawyers filing suits across the country have meant well, but good intentions aren’t enough in a situation like this. Reading this letter and accompanying support makes it clear to me that these attorneys have what it takes to be successful in court. Finally, I’m hopeful.

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Oct 24, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Thank you for your perseverance. Most would have folded. As written in Hebrews 12:1-3, this is your race to run.

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Oct 24, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Excellent summery and fantastic conclusion. Finally, we have bite in the process.

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Oct 24, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Fantastic and thanks for the compilation.

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Oct 25, 2021Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Oh man! This was so good! You guys have done so much hard work to gather all the evidence regarding natural immunity, and it is time for them to finally answer for how much harm they have done to millions of Americans. Not in two dismissive sentences, but in court. Thanks for keeping us updated :)

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Sue them into discovery . The cdc needs to be held accountable for the harm they have done to public health and for not acknowledging the medical tyranny they have created in our country.

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Excellent work. But a military/intelligence operation is not going to be stopped by the courts. It’s time to recognize that we are living in lawless times. They will do *anything* to birth their New World Order.

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It is indeed sobering to consider what the possibilities are to subvert research and medical innovation for nefarious ends - as well as to reflect on those instances where it has actually happened. Whether or not that is playing out right now, I'm inclined to be sceptical. Perhaps that just means I'm horribly naive or recklessly optimistic! Instead, I tend to think this is a terrible case of good intentions gone horribly wrong, compounded by a doubling-down on the part of authorities who are still stuck on "prevention" messaging (which is way out the window at this point, although still has some traction in the "preventative therapeutic" department). Not to mention the fervent denialism and wishful thinking on the part of the populace who are determined that they can and must dodge the virus ad infinitum and so, by extension, must everyone else. Unfortunately, this petri dish of fear and good intentions has proved a fertile breeding ground for righteousness. And righteousness can be the first step towards tyranny. Omnipotence is a powerful drug. And our governments have been shooting it up for almost two years now. They will not relinquish it willingly. It has also bred massive opportunity for financial gain and exploitation on the part of the enablers - the makers of the vaccines and other spin-off concerns. Partnered with the governments, this is where there is indeed a huge potential for evil to be birthed. Occam's Razor suggests to me that there is unlikely to be some sort of nanobot "kill switch" built into these vaccines, or any other evil plots for population annihilation. But make no mistake about it - the current refusal on the parts of authorities to recognise or accommodate the people who have had the infection and come out alive on the other side ought to be a very, very large warning sign. These people, by recovering and obtaining immunity all by themselves, have demonstrated that they don't need the government to tell them to be afraid any more. Nor do they need the vaccine-makers to come on their white horses, needle in hand. If either of these had good intentions, they should be glad. Studying it and analysing it with joy and hope to confirm if it is indeed true. The fact that they aren't, is indeed terrifying.

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So grateful for your bravery and integrity on this issue. Hoping your example will help pave the way for students with natural immunity to be allowed to rejoin society.

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This is incredible. Thank you and your legal team for your diligence and perseverance.

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Thank you for sharing with us. Not sure if you already know of him but he’s against the mandates a world renowned virologist. Here is his linked in link. He’s been protesting the vaccine for many reasons. I believe he could help your case which can help the rest of us. Thank you for fighting back. https://www.linkedin.com/in/geertvandenbossche

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Succinctly written. The last two lines are stellar. Thank you.

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I had a bad case of covid in December and got pneumonia. I was questioning why it seemed that the ER checked me for 6 hours, gave me cough syrup with codine, and sent me home with antibiotics, that it seemed so light on treatment for pneumonia. That's when I started asking questions. Took two days to get a zoom call with my doctor, and I told her exactly what I wanted, and she prescribed them. The ER bill was $19,000. I recovered and have been fine, since.

I also have been doing as much research as possible, since that's all we have had access to, and I am sure everyone on here did the same. I had arguments with friends at the CDC, and friends who are doctors. Luckily, there are tons of new data that are proving what I knew to be true, but most people won't read or discuss. It needs to keep growing like a snowball rolling downhill.

I like my job. Im almost 55yo and know people my age don't just get hired every day. My company has not said anything yet of a mandate, but they only cite the CDC info. That is their safest legal stance. I actually wish this lawsuit was in motion...it may come too late for many of us. Or, better yet, the CDC changes their stance because of this (I honestly don't think they will, it'll be yet another loss of face for Biden).

But thank you, and everyone else for standing up for we, the Chartruese (I've been trying to claim Chartruese as those of us covid-recovered, not vaxxed because every other marginalized group has a color). Please let me know if you will let me walk the lawsuit to the CDC doors myself! (I'm in Atlanta). I think a parade of the Chartruese from the office of the Emory doctors in one of those natural immunity studies you've cited, to the CDC doors to deliver the lawsuit would be fun and great for press. Be happy to do it.

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Yes, there is something extremely wrong with medicine these days and it's been festering for years. Covid brought out the worst of it. With the obvious efforts at suppression and denial of alternative treatments, it's quite stunning and frightening that hundreds of thousands of people have been killed by hospital Covid protocols. Dr Peter McCollough thinks that as many as 85% of Covid deaths were preventable with early treatment. Some lucky survivors sued hospitals to allow IVM treatment. Once you're hospitalized, your choices for treatment are very limited. Avoid at all costs if you can. Early treatment is key.

And now, even with the most rational states like FL, there is no standard early treatment except for monoclonal antibodies which have irrationally been restricted by the feds. Citizens are left to scramble to assemble their own treatment and find amenable doctors. Many hospitals have irrationally implemented vax mandates and are even more severely understaffed than before.

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