Dear Dr. Aaron, I bet I am not the only one worrying that the cost of legal defense must be astronomical. If there is any way somehow in a future piece if you can let your subscribers know if there is a special place where contributions for legal fees can be sent if it is different from the Zephyr Institute? And thank you for the updates and progress. We are rooting for you.

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Many thanks for your courage and fortitude to tackle the Leviathan. Here is the article as an archived page: https://web.archive.org/web/20231002171806/https://www.nysun.com/article/the-physician-who-stepped-forward-to-tackle-the-leviathan-of-government-censorship

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You’re a freakin HERO! Thank you thank you thank you!


I love the fact that you’re continuing to push through against the horrendous CA now rescinded law.

Keep it up and Godspeed to you all!

Looking forward to seeing you in Dallas🌻

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The suspense is killing me! (I know it's not the vx) What was that rumor that Justice Thomas might really let loose on this one?

Keep it up, doc. Hey to Jenin, your tiger attorney.

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I am more worried about what Justice Roberts will do...

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Something to pray about...

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Do we really need more evidence that Newsom defines slime?

From his mayorship in San Francisco to this. An incredible testament to the inability of people to pay attention to the most basic facts.

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We are getting closer. Fantastic news.

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Awesome about the AB BS!

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Dear Dr. Kheriaty, I have been following Missouri v. Biden closely, and am very encouraged by the injunctions that you have been able to obtain against Federal agencies. However, MORE IS NEEDED. Just today, I was put in Facebook jail, for sharing 18 months ago Pf*zer's own official report of their adverse effects! This was not a confidential document, but one that had been made PUBLIC per FOIA request. And the community standard that it allegedly violated is not "misinformation", but CYBERSECURITY! This indicates to me that Facebook's bots have recently been updated, per new rules coming from our security apparatus... I will be happy to share screenshots with you.

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Dr Kheriaty, you are a hero. Thanks for continuing the fight, getting to the root of the issues. Can’t wait to hear the Newsom-DeSantis debate to see Newsom’s lies uncovered in public. 🙏🏻

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AB 2098, dead, but for years to come, a rotting stinking shame to the supposed democracy of California. Thank you for killing the beast!

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Fantastic! Every power-mad bureaucrat who played little tin god needs to be exposed. "Overreach" into tyranny is not cool. Remember that clerk in Kentucky who wouldn't approve marriage licenses for gay couples? These people 1) are not authorized by their positions to impose their will and 2) aren't smart enough if they were. They're in an incompe-trance that they know better.

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You do all the hard work, in the dirt and trenches and all I can do is comment!! You're the hero Dr. K, I share your victories everywhere I can!

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It is such a consolation to know that free speech is still appreciated enough in the public arena to make feckless politicians backpedal.

I liked the intro to that piece. hmm. Maybe I should write an article about you since I could not read the rest of it.

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What a lovely birthday present for me!

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