Our lawsuit alleges that AB 2098 is unconstitutional, violating our 1st and 14th Amendment rights.
Thank👏you👏Aaron👏 and love your opening sentence 🤣
Dr. K's books is a unique contribution to the Covid literature and one of the best I've read to date. Strong recommend.
I've been supporting NCLA. Keep the fight going. God bless.
Separation of of medicine and state
Repeal all medical licensing laws... end apl occupational licensing laws and this could never happen
Excellent work, Aaron. Godspeed.
Thank👏you👏Aaron👏 and love your opening sentence 🤣
Dr. K's books is a unique contribution to the Covid literature and one of the best I've read to date. Strong recommend.
I've been supporting NCLA. Keep the fight going. God bless.
Separation of of medicine and state
Repeal all medical licensing laws... end apl occupational licensing laws and this could never happen
Excellent work, Aaron. Godspeed.