Interesting transitions in the emergence of this term in public management. Canadian political scientist Allan Cairns observed what he called the "embedded state" in the early 1990s. The neo-liberal emphasis on "governance" rather than "government" emerged at about the same time. There was a new school that saw public administration as "steering" rather than "rowing." (see https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/09513559610146366/full/html )

I now realize there was a good German word they were seeking all along: Gleichschaltung.

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It has been evident for a long time that America has not been what it was when I was growing up and, later, as an adult. Everything seems to change too quickly before I even have a chance to understand what is going on. The last 10 to 15 years has been nothing but chaos, going from one crisis to another. This whole of society surveillance state explains much of the unsettledness that I feel. That Obama, a community organizer, implemented it does not surprise me at all. It is obvious he never revered America and has been instrumental in helping to bring her to her knees. He never believed in American exceptionalism and apologized to the world for her. Traitorist behavior to my way of thinking. It must be defeated. Can we do it?

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Yes, we can do it. It will take what our Founding Fathers sacrificed…but more. We must all rise up against this. I pray we all know the correct time to take action. I pray daily for the critical thinking skills to know.

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Did you see the TV show "Person of Interest?" Harold the nerd made The Machine that could predict crime. The show was a lot of fun, but our gov't machine isn't. Yes, they will surveil, mute and cancel those who oppose them. Their bigger threat is the predictor of bad behavior. That will morph into "deep fake" AI-generated bad behavior that they will use to frame you as whatever bogeyman they'd like. I suspect it will even be used in courts of law to destroy you as they did Alex Jones and Jan 6 folks.

I hope we can hold onto media like substack where we get known authors publishing verifiable content, not modified by the machine before we read it. This will come to be controlled also. Then, will you have solid Faith to keep from being swept away?

Good content as always, doc. Thanks and God bless.

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Scared veal people who never learned how to defend themselves or even function count on the nanny state to care for them, cradle to grave. They sincerely believe that others care about them because they were taught that they also were expected to cared for others, even though they don't. Never learned first aid or how to build a fire. They learned fear.

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As technology became more expansive and sophisticated at all scales, it was inevitable that it would come up against the notion of personal freedom: here was immense power for surveillance and control and commercial gain up against puny individuals, something the founding generation of America could hardly imagine. Technology will only get more powerful, more expansive, and more invasive.

The solution, as prosaic as it sounds, is to put up legal shields against unwarranted intrusions of technology upon our lives, such that interfering with individual self-determination is off-limits. Not sure we're up to it, but if we aren't then technology will envelope us and control us.

The basic political idea is that of subsidiarity, but not of the EU brand wherein it means, "we'll interfere to help for your own good." Subsidiarity instead as non-interference: the decisions pertaining to the individual are left to the individual, and the state keeps its hands off, serving only its primary functions of safeguarding life, liberty, and property of individuals.

Technology can and will advance, but we can't allow it to be used by the powerful to interfere with the lives of individuals. This is a crossroads for humanity.

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