Desmet is dangerous:

Mass formation = blaming the people, not the oppressors

In spite of denying it, Prof. Mattias Desmet lays the burden on the people, through 3 factors:

1. A mechanistic ideology chosen by the individual: “the dominant ideology is mechanistic in nature. This ideology derives its appeal from the utopian vision of an artificial paradise (see chapter 3). The world and mankind are a machine and they can be comprehended and manipulated as such. The hitches in the machine that cause suffering can be “repaired.” In the long run, it will even be possible to eliminate death. Moreover, all this can be done without man having to reflect on his role in his own misfortune, without questioning himself as a moral and ethical being.” “The puppet master is the ideology, not the elite.”

2. An elite staying in power by doing and giving what the masses want: “Plans and visions for the future are not so much “forced” on the population. In many ways, the leaders of the masses—the so-called elite—give the people what they want. When fearful,the population wants a more controlled society.”

Note: he says that, in spite of recognizing the media was instrumental into creating fear !!!

3. Manipulation: “mass-formation can emerge in a more or less spontaneous way (as happened in the first stages of Nazism in Germany) or that it can be artificially provoked through indoctrination and propaganda (as in the former Soviet Union). In this process, both the elite and the population itself shoulder responsibility—the first because they actively manipulate the population and the second because they prefer to stay blind and, ultimately, commit atrocities towards those who don’t join them.”

Note: it’s another proof of censorship of truth, that people like Desmet seem still unaware of who chose the leaders and funded the initial steps of Nazism and the Soviet Revolution as if that isn’t proof of conspiracy.

Desmet concludes: “examples that seem to point in the direction of a plan being implemented, such as: the fact that the definition of “pandemic” was changed shortly before the corona crisis; the definition of “herd immunity” to imply that only vaccines can achieve it;the counting method for corona deaths was adjusted by the WHO so it was higher than the number of flu deaths; that the registration methodology of vaccine side effects led to serious underestimation (by, for example, labelling those that become apparent during the first fortnight after vaccination as not vaccine-related); that all key political positions when the crisis started were held by politicians who were pro-technocracy (all people referred to as the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders). These are examples of how an ideology gets a grip on society, not evidence of the execution of a conspiracy.

The enemy is not another human being, the enemy is primarily a certain view of man and the world, a mechanist-rationalist-materialist way of thinking; not another human being.

If you analyse a situation only in terms of conspiracies, in which an evil elite is the one and only cause of the misery, then the inevitable conclusion is that this elite must be destroyed through a violent revolution. Such a revolution, however, would most probably lead to the radical destruction of the ‘freedom movement’ itself. It would, indeed, rather be a Godsent gift for the elite, as it justifies destruction of the opposition through harsh repression.” 1

Desmet is right on 2 things:

• Revolution is a double edged sword. The same as color revolutions, the French Revolution proved how they could be ignited and lead to impose a mason Emperor (Napoleon). The French yellow jackets and the Brazilian uprising to the 2022 stolen elections, prove that the people can’t achieve anything by themselves if there’s not a huge majority and leadership capable of prison, like Gandhi.

• The people shares a little of responsibility, yet in a much much lower degree than the elite pushing mass media lies, blocking people from truth, and pushing with the police. Why did people fail miserably?

◦ Not sharing life-saving information. Imagine you are an engineer and because of the cracks know for sure a bridge is going to fall down within months, and because of the heavy traffinc many lives could be lost. If you don't share the information, it means that you don't care about those lives, right? Not sharing, is not caring. The more you care, the more you share. For those who believe in Divine Justice or Karma, good final Judgment by God or good Karma, isn't just not doing anything bad to others, but especially, doing for others the good you'd like to receive yourself. Therefore, bad Karma is not doing something good for others, which you could and should!

◦ “Save yourself, even if treading on others.” The pandemic brought to light the best and worse of each person.

▪ Hoard goods without sharing.

▪ Rat their neighbors to the police for violating the illegal curfew.

▪ Hoard HCQ, ivermectin and other life saving drugs without sharing to those who couldn’t access it.

▪ Push their way and skip the line for committing suicide with vaccines and ventilators (their loss).

▪ Owners and managers pushing employees to get the death-vax.

▪ Friends, relatives and parents pushing family to the death-vax as if they were standing on moral high ground… and applauded the notion of denying medical care to the unvaxxed.

Yet, Desmet failed to acknowledge the mass brainwashing into a Zombie Globe through

a) Classic social-engineered propaganda and regulations: “we have a working knowledge of Joseph Goebbels, and of the artistry and craft that underlay his manufacturing of Nazi consent, Edward Bernays, one of the earliest practitioners of public relations, and “Subliminal Seduction” by Wilson Bryan Key exposed that advertisers use every tool at their disposal to alter our reactions to their products—down to the level of the subconscious mind.

b) Dr. Nehls’ “The Indoctrinated Brain” argues that the spike protein, along with other COVID measures, represents an intentional attack on the human hippocampus—where autobiographical memory and individuality itself originate—and that “fear porn” keeps us from holding on to the autobiographical memories that encompass our former selves. As a result, humans have become deindividualized, more suggestible, more forgetful, more compliant, and less able to engage in critical thinking and creative reasoning.” 2

c) High tech brainwashing:

• Ultrasonic hypnosis (download ultrasound detector by Gudkov on your phone): beware of phones, streaming and non-live media.

• Blue light from LCD screens and street-lights

• Infra-red pulses

• Stroboscopy (nb LED street lights)

• Subliminal messages by high refresh rate (higher than the conscious mind can perceive, but still under the eye’s and the subconscious’ range)

• Electric field pulses when watching/hearing something with emotions (streamed stadium games), etc.

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I would be interested in hearing a discussion on the madness of Bill Gates, Fauci, Schwab, etc…. Where did their madness come from? Did they perpetrate a mass psychosis / hypnosis among world leaders who, in turn, were led to initiate a global genocide? Is it possible that people are desperate enough for truth and freedom and fairness that they feel justified in seeking justice on their own? A civil disobedience or rebellion against the madness of the “ leaders” who delay, deny, defend ( politicians, doctors, etc… ) may be understandable, although not acceptable.

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Was the shooter alone? Was he trained? Was the UH about to testify in a congressional hearing about politician insider trading?

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I heard that there are people who believe that the genocide of the Palestinian people is justified violence because Zionists believe that Jewish people are oppressed.

Sound familiar?

Oh no I guess it's not because they have been oppressed. It's because a supposedly revealed text with no actual factual source connecting it to its revealer (the so-called "the" Bible) said something about Israel, and then ideologues trying to capture political subgroups in the USA realized this was a great way to get some leverage around ... a mass formation psychology.

Any model that can be used against anyone like this is a pseudo-scientific superstition.

Is someone a murderer because they choose to pick up a gun and do something? What about people, for instance Netanyahu, who are clearly responsible for the murder of 40,000 people yet (at least we are lead to believe) has not touched a single weapon that has inflicted a single murder?

Basic high school ethics. If you cannot apply them, you get no credibility in my mind.

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Let me guess, you also think Daniel Penny "murdered" Neely.

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