"Firm resistance to the point of civil disobedience is not only permissible under the circumstances, but indeed required if we are to prevent this twilight from fading into night." Sobering, true words. God grant us and our children courage. Thank you for your leadership, Aaron. "We wrestle not against flesh and blood..." (Ephesians 6:12)

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Dr. Kheriaty, that is exactly what's going on. Those behind it know that this unfolding horror show ends up with them triumphant or imprisoned, so I am not sure that non-violent protest will bear much fruit. All this talk about combatting white supremacists is laying the foundation for a violent government response to patriotic Americans objecting to the elimination of fundamental rights. It's going to get ugly...probably really soon, since Biden extended emergency powers indefinitely. For several decades we have been taught to hate our country and each other. Unbelievably, the media and the president even declared open season on people refusing a vaccination. The hatred, injustice, and viciousness of these last 2 years has been unnerving.

I no longer recognize America, and I struggle to fight off the hatred inside of me for those who are implementing this plan. God help us.

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I understand. We need to struggle also to resist hatred, lest we become a mirror image of the enemy. If we give into hatred or violent retaliation, we lose.

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Indeed. Non-violence is the only way forward at this time, but I fear that the government is deliberately trying to provoke a violent response in order to fully implement the totalitarian state.

MLK and Gandhi were successful because they were confronting flawed but fundamentally decent societies. Both would've ended up murdered in the basement of Lubjanka had they been in Stalin's USSR.

As Christians, if the time comes, do we surrender our lives to this evil, or is it our duty to resist it with all means? I truly struggle with this question.

God bless you and your family, Dr.. Kheriaty. I deeply respect your integrity in speaking out against the injustice enveloping the world.

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Viva Frei in Canada talks a lot about how Canada-Trudeau seemed to be waiting for weeks for violence to erupt, it didn't and finally out of impatience, they engaged in acts of violence themselves. We will have to be ready, with the same discipline, in the US not to respond to provocation and to also identify people who are bad actors who do want to play that pointless game.

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Yes, I think this is correct.

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Dr. Kheriaty In this discussion concerning civil disobedience which may include disobeying governmental officials, I have not seen the Biblical exception to obeying one's governing authorities. You will remember when St. Peter and the other apostles were told not to speak about Jesus anymore, then Peter responded, "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29) and they continued to preach Christ and Him crucified. This verse teaches the Christian church that we are to obey God at all times even if our government commands us otherwise. When the government takes away our God given freedom to worship Him, we must obey Him and not them. When the government tells the church she can't meet together or she can only have a few attend services, we must obey God rather than men. To obey God rather than men is then not civil disobedience. When St. Peter and the apostles preached the resurrection of Jesus Christ, they were not committing civil disobedience but fulfilling their God given command to be apostles to the world. Rev. North P. Sherrill

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The US Senate is soon to act on legislation expanding federal government's power to surveil Americans' private health, vaccine and medication records and share the info across public and private domains. The bio-surveillance state Dr. Kheriaty so eloquently and compellingly warns about is fast accelerating to eviscerate our most basic human freedoms. Call every Senator you can to urge them to vote NO on the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act. This already passed the House of Representatives as HR 550 (don't think legislative capture by Big Pharma and Big Tech isn't at play)and if it wins Senate passage, this will provide the statutory authority needed to invoke mandates, digital identification and many more authoritarian chokeholds on our liberties that the Supreme Court would no longer be able to overturn.

For a synopsis of this sinister legislation, https://standforhealthfreedom.com/blog/hr550mythsbusted/

Phenomenal backgrounder, including money trails behind this and info on HHS's insidious-sounding 'Protect Now' centralized data mining project:


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The SCOTUS can always overturn unconstitutional laws, the only question is would they. Sadly I think they are not up to that task.

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Outstanding summary and analysis, thank you!

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Funny they fancy themselves able to track all of us but can't find trillions lost in the Pentagon. It was about $3 trillion and declared the "greatest threat to America's security" by Donald Rumsfeld Sec'y of Defense the day before 9-11 .. it's about $34 trillion now.


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As I am sure you do know, the tracking will be selective. Even if all the data was gathered in such a way that was both comprehensive and unbiased*, the search pattern for and models of the data are based on pre-existing interest and commitments. An expression of power of one group against others.

* Unbiased is also up to debate. Every type of study or data-gathering activity has some focus, if even by the method (actual means) of collecting and gathering. So some priorities must be established beforehand. When we turn to the social world, the world of human activities, it's impossible to keep political considerations out of what we consider worth watching and what we don't.

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Just to keep on the shelf. Incoming celestial objects will have great effects on Earth as Robert Harrington and Carlos Munoz Ferrada spoke of. This will not last. The King Returns.

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