While it's nice to think it's a dying faith, I worry about how many of us will have to die along with it.

I'm a PhD who works many PhDs. Almost all drank the KoolAid. This idiocy, actually idolatry, is the substrate to all modern schooling.

A sane friend at work and I were having this very discussion recently, about idiocy and our descent into barbarism. How long do we have?

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The scientific method and the knowledge gained from that process are the most important contributing factors to life as we experience it today. “Science” has clout and that’s why idiots claim that their policies are based on its hard earned reputation.

The public needs to do its own “homework” and question authoritative policies that don’t make sense and hold those science hijacking idiots accountable for their shifty modus operandi.

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Professor Lancellotti's response is very insightful and enlightening; he maintains that "real science suffers immensely from politicization." That's probably an understatement but I would add that most of the "science" is "fake science" or the one they want us to believe in so that it can spearhead and enforce political agendas, as we should now realize what Covid was all about; the "real science" is only being upheld by those exceptional scientists and medical professionals who still believe in and seek the truth and they have made costly sacrifices for their courageous positions (and still are!) But this has been happening for a very long time as medical science has a very long history of perversion with lies and deception becoming the norm and scientific advancement controlled by forces of power and greed and not for the welfare of humanity. One has only to read the history of Antoine Bechamp to see how a great scientist was maligned and vilified and had his amazing discoveries suppressed even to this day as even today's real scientists continue to be attacked by the "idiocrats."

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