I watched all 5 hours also and agree that it was a meeting of profound historical importance. Despite the insane censorship of the last two years, It is now all on the Senate record. No one can say they didn’t know or were just following orders. Thank you Dr. Kheriarty for your brave stand holding the banner of medical ethics. In this corrupt moment that is scarcely recognizable as the USA, it takes courage.

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I agree

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And Dr. Kheriaty is a psychiatrist. We need people speaking from that corner of medicine and well-being.

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Thank you, thank you 🙏🏻 I watched all 5 hrs. God Bless you all.

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And rewatched clips as they were circulated on Twitter and LinkedIN.

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You were so smooth. And patient. And intense with just the right well chosen words, when you all had so much to say. Looking forward to your inside stories of the events.

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I too watched every minute. (And all of the Defeat the Mandate Rally on Sunday.)

You were the star of the show Dr K. Your remarks were riveting. Glad to see you chime in frequently during the discussions.

Agree with the comments below. This Senate panel was absolutely on fire with every participant leveling compelling facts.

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Thank you, my friend. It was a real honor to speak at both of these events.

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And it was a different tone than the rally, each speech well fitted to the context.

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That really is so true, not just fan talk. My husband, a marketing professor and social psychologist, watched it--and thought it was well formulated and impactful from that perspective. Dr. McCullough's 4 pillars framework a brilliant policy concept that shaped the hearing. The title of "Second Opinion" cleverly resonated with the long respected tradition of hearing differing views in medicine. The speakers clearly benefited from interaction with each other and especially in recent days and had worked to not overlap their talks and fall into the "cattle call" routine that Senator Ron Johnson hilariously described.

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I too could not stop watching all 5 hours. It was riveting, compelling and heartfelt testimony. It evoked hope in someone like myself who tends to see what is unfolding all around us as fatalistic. They say it is darkest before the light. I certainly felt you all to be that light we are so desperately all praying for. Thank you. You are all heroes in our eyes.

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Your comment about darkness and light reminds me of a song that conveys the significance of the huge sacrifices Dr K and the others are making for humanity. “Point of Light” by Randy Travis- look up the lyrics, listen to the song, Dr K: you are a point of light! Thank you!

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Outstanding work. We are at a turning point in history -- as even the brief video clip of your speech captures so well. We are facing the possible extinction of human freedom, and with that, the extinction of human dignity. You have earned the right to your words through your commitment and sacrifice.

I do not want my words to be misconstrued: I am not advocating violence on any level. But I think an historical analogy applies.

The American Declaration of Independence ends with signers recognizing, acknowledging that they had pledged and so might possibly lose: "our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." The outcome was not certain then. The outcome is not certain now.

You and your distinguished colleagues have done the same: made a pledge -- a commitment -- worthy of and in some ways equal to that of our nation's founders.

I am proud to support and to join you and the many others in this fight for human freedom, for human dignity.

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Thank you, my friend. I will try to live up to the example of the Founders.

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I don't think it is at all hyperbole, all the many who are warning this is a species threatening event. There has been much attention to female fertility. However my morning Substack mail included this latest from Dr. James Hill on male fertility, sperm, and transgenerational impacts of the mRNA shots. https://hillmd.substack.com/p/children-might-inherit-spike-protein?r=c8vqx&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Thank you for the comment and the link. The concerns voiced by senior MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff quite frankly scare me, particularly since Fauci's recent demands to vaccinate young children. This seems too often like a bad science fiction novel -- only it is real. I did do a recent post relating to CDC data for the past two years. Biological females fared poorly in 2021. Higher relative risk of "Dying with Covid" compared both to their risk in 2020, and their male cohort risk in 2021. This from the CDC's own data. I honestly know longer know what to believe. If the vaccines were working as promised, the data should show that. Can we trust the CDC data? Can we trust the CDC? A biomed Professor at Hopkins recently said: "I'd never thought I'd say this, but don't follow the CDC's advice" [on vaccinating small childern for Covid].

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It was an historic weekend and the image of the white lab coats on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial will define the moment and the movement. American heroes speaking truth to power and to the people supposedly served.

For many of us who have become hard core fans long before the Senate it was flippin fantabluous, incredible and totally awesome. Watched the hearing live, the compilation when Sen Johnson tweeted and lots of the clips. What an embarrassment of riches & priceless ammo for the resistance. You totally slayed and godspeed taking a bite out of UC dirtbags! <3

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The lab coats were great, weren't they!

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Brilliant, perfectly perfect, especially since it's the image pharma ads exploit white lab coats to evoke trust. High time they saw the tables turn and we got substance not just the facade! :~)

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You are a perfect representative for the people! You have a deep background in medicine & ethics and your years teaching make you the best organized and clear communicator. Riveting to watch. We are all so blessed to have you as our warrior. I don’t know where we would be without you and the others who have the courage to speak out.

What do you think about the delay tactics on the vaccine data. California is pushing to get the COVID vaccine on the school schedule so that they can have bulletproof Immunity from liability- is the govt delaying so California can push it through before any data is released?

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I don't wish to trivialize this discussion, but CDC's own data is quite interesting. It shows that last year, 2021, the vast majority of Americans had a higher risk of "Dying with Covid" than they did in 2020. That is, prior to the vaccine rollout. Here's a data dashboard with on it. https://rpubs.com/Thom_JH/Covid_Relative_Risk So it turns out that biological females also had far worse "Dying with Covid" results in 2021: both compared to their results for 2020, and to their biological male counterparts for 2022. Info at the dashboard, and I have a verbose post on the same here: https://americanexile.substack.com/p/you-had-a-higher-relative-risk-of

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Negative efficacy of vaccines. That, is vaccines seem to be "target painting" the vaxxed for the virus. See Matthew Crawford's Substack on that concept, and that the suite of original Wuhan virus + vaxxes + Omicrons are like a biowarfare coordinated "toolset." https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-omicron-hypothesis-part-4?r=c8vqx&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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I am 99% for Crawford's hypothesis #7. I have always believed that a calculated release of engineered viruses, that would demand the continuing next generation mRNA match, has been the plan all along.

These events coincide with the known desire of Big Pharma to fulfill the promise to investors, the long game of mRNA vax replacing egg based tech. I am sure you have seen this clip, but just in case... take a look at this:


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A deep dive in this org might help understand what the plan is and how it will be implemented. https://milkeninstitute.org/

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A deep dive with David Martin the patent attorney on the chain of patents was a overwhelming in its evidence of very long term planning. The evidence is as we sayis not only subtstantial "overdetermined" of the outcome. That is, there is more than enough to show premeditation and preplanning of these crimes.

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NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins is in there 2017 promo video : https://youtu.be/O2swibP0Xtw

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Cures Act: https://www.congress.gov/114/plaws/publ255/PLAW-114publ255.pdf signed into law by Obama end of his term.

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I watched the entire profound event on Senator Johnson's Rumble acct. HERE: https://rumble.com/vt62y6-covid-19-a-second-opinion.html

I took early retirement from the medial field for the very reasons that were so well uncovered during the testimony. I found myself in deep despair at times (Dr. Marik broke me) crying and praying when it came to an end.

I was incredibly impressed with the level of expertise and passion from all who offered testimony. I will say that your testimony Dr. K was extremely well delivered, I was thrilled how many times you were able to contribute valuable information.

I am a big supporter of Dr. Malone,(I am a 35 year equestrian/horse owner, so I easily fell in love with him and his 20ish horses he proudly shares pics and such with his followers) Dr. Malone is being attacked aggressively by nefarious folks abroad and I am worried about him. He seemed a bit sedate, (maybe just exhausted) I hope and pray that he feels the love and support that he greatly deserves.

Courageous HEROS were present and this will hopefully be a turning point that will go down in history as the catalyst for ending medical tyranny and crushing the attempt to further harm our children. I am fired up today, have been sharing abroad the link to the Rumble in many platforms.

On the California front...defeating the bills introduced recently will be of upmost importance to protect the children. This one here: https://sd06.senate.ca.gov/news/2022-01-24-dr-richard-pan-introduces-measure-keep-schools-open-and-safe.

Eternally grateful for all who stand and fight to protect our God given freedom.

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I appreciated that his wife Dr. Jill Glasspool was near his side. She is quite accomplished and involved herself, and we all know the support it would take from a spouse to help Doc Malone be so fabulous.

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It seems pretty clear that the FDA is literally taking dictation from Pfizer and Moderna. That absurd letter conditionally approving the mythical Comirnaty vax, I guarantee, was written by outside counsel (for both) in consultation with the FDA. No way that Rube Goldbergian letter came out of the government alone. The FDA might as well be the Government Affairs subsidiary of Pfizer.

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I just stumbled upon Senator Johnson's panel discussion on OAN, and it is fascinating.

God bless you all for standing up for truth. History will lionize you for your integrity and courage.

Dr. Kory referred to what's transpiring in the US as a crime against humanity. He is absolutely right.

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I also watched it all and am very grateful for all the speakers, and Sen Johnson for taking the time.

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Senator Ron Johnson did an amazing job himself, preparing for and conducting the hearing, and he is clearly reading material with great interest and concern, and listening to many in the background.

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You did an exceptional job. A good summation of the medical perils patients have been suffering from based on medicine's departure from tried-and-true procedures protocols and best practices. Thanks Doc!

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Ditto, watched all 5 hrs via CHD's TV. I hope you and all the good docs/other leaders realize the depth and breadth of the positive impact you are having around the world, including Canada where I'm from, giving us not only hope but the courage to do same at whatever level possible. May God's grace keep you all in His care! Have great concern re your update that FDA's DOJ lawyers requesting Pfizer to help in redaction exercise of their documents they're legally req'd to provide. Is there any legal recourse to that in the works?

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We are all watching our colleagues in other countries, a beautiful thing.

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I also watched all 5 hours live. It was fantastic historical event! It is also important that it is now an official Senate record that cannot be censored and deleted. Your presentation was clear, logical, with all important points emphasized. Thank you!

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