The royal family are actually a museum exhibit on how isolated and spoiled people who don't actually need to work ever end up like after a few generations.

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Good thing that Princess Diana wasn't the wife of Henry VIII. The British have a strange relationship with a monarchy - can't have absolute power or fate of Charles I, can't live without so Charles II and Charles III. Or the fact that Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany made horrible decisions. Both Wilhelm II and his wife were out-of-touch with reality. At least their sons were better.

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Or a zoo exhibit.

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Everything we know about the British Royal Family aside, from the olden days til now, I will set aside

With Harry and Meghan you have the most blatant examples of ingratitude and blind idiocy out there today in pop culture.

I really don't know which of the two of them is the more stupid.

I feel sorry for Harry.

I don't feel sorry for Meghan.

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they are VERY smart and courageous...the Royal Family are eugenicist, wanting to control the world and depopulate it...getting rid of the "useless eaters", you and me, they control the WEF. Prince Charles is the one who suggested this sick "Great Reset:...so many think he is the Anti-Christ...Harry seems to be more like his mom, a kind compassionate soul ad he must have been made aware of the agenda and could not stay in this rotten family. You should get informed before judging them...The British Monarchy paid Hitler to get rid of the Jews, the Homosexuals, the mentally and the disabled they are monsters and they will PAY!

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Lila Rose’s interview style is, unfortunately, similar to Laura Ingraham’s. She makes constant interruptive noises in the background as you’re speaking ... it’s rude.

She interrupts to interject unnecessary comments, rarely allowing you to finish a sentence ... also rude and frustrating for listeners.

She also seems determined to demonstrate that despite your credentials, she is in control of the conversation.

I’ve listened to her twice now, and won’t listen again, for the same reason I don’t watch Ingraham.

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As a conservative Englishman raised with all that pomop and ceremony, the death of Diana, and everything in between and afterwards, I find the royal family entirely annoying. Maybe the institution has value, maybe it holds the British together? I don't think the British really care, they just like the distraction from the decay.

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One of the most interesting aspects of the royal family is their ability to resourcefully adapt and survive by intuiting the zeitgeist of the time.

In particular, when Czar Nicholas and his family sought refuge from the Bolshevik Revolution the British monarchy said "no." Of course it wasn't anything personal, it was just a matter of survival as socialist worker uprisings were raging throughout Europe. The British royal family knowing survival is paramount did the wise thing and abandoned their unfortunate Romanov relatives in fear they'd find themselves in a similar predicament.

Now getting back to the 21st Century and the insipid Duke and and Duchess of Sussex, who by the way are not living a too shabby existence in "Montecito exile." For one thing, they've proven to be willing "Global Citizens" who as influencers enthusiastically peddle WEF initiatives. The duo, are frequent guests at numerous UN events where they've promoted experimental gene therapy jabs and proved their loyalty to the "cloth mask brigade." Of course, the original intended role as prince and princess was to be a bit different. Meghan Markle was to demonstrate how a "modern monarchy" welcomes a divorced woman of color who as an actress appeared in numerous sultry scenes on American TV. Attributes which in the past would've been viewed as lowbrow and absolutely unacceptable.

That being said, the royal family like US corporate/political elites think "colorwashing" high level positions will gain public acceptance for exploitative, parasitic, and dishonorable policies.

A black General Austin, Colin Powell, or secretary of state Condoleezza Rice didn't make it all so nice.

The ruling elite haven't quite realized their manipulations fool no one as a rose is a rose is a rose.🌹

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Harry’s father murdered his mother and very, very likely his grandmother.

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Harry’s double-vaxxed grandmother became unsteady on her feet after the first two jabs & steadily went downhill, just like I’ve seen happen to many elderly people after their COVID jabs at the hospital I work for, and then likely got boosted right to heaven following her booster jab.

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It was reported only recently that her cause of death was multiple myeloma.

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Humans seem to crave spectacle and celebrity. The corrupt, eugenicist, plundering British firm does pomp, propaganda, and posturing better than any other entity. People ogle the grandiosity and gems, mindless of the sins and provenance. The members of the firm have all the moral authority of celebrity influencers, but with enshrined powers that allow them to act on depraved impulses without fear of consequences. I am disgusted and disheartened by the wall-to-wall coverage of the coronation of a nitwit and his consort. As for Meghan Markle--she married into the British royal family. Silly. Exactly what did she expect? And poor, spiritually destitute, empty headed Harry, he with the rude propensity for traveling abroad and giving ignorant, grandiose, historically illiterate speeches that condemn the constitutions of other countries. . . Well, I shall refrain from saying more.

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Its science. This is what happens when a family humps each other and have kids.

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For a king who has just asked everyone in britain to volunteer for a charity or to volunteer to help another in some way, in other words to be kind, I find it difficult to match up his words with his own actions. His own son was not allowed to be part of this king’s coronation. The son was designated a seat in the third row and treated like a pariah. Now perhaps that was Harry’s choice to not sit near his father and brother? Who knows. But why would he travel all that way to be treated so unkindly?

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Harry isn't a working royal any more. I doubt that the other royals in the third row felt like pariahs, but proud to be there and up close. Harry was treated with civility by a family that he betrayed with provable lies and biased perspectives.

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I've never heard of this Lila Rose.... But I wouldn't call this a conversation as she interrupts before you can complete any sentence here!! Needless I turned it off halfway through. Normally I like being introduced to new people in podcast but I won't be going further. She's rude and controlling.

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Royal Family are eugenicist...Charles suggested this sick "Great Rest" at a WEF meeting. Hitlere was financed by teh Monarchy to clean Europe of Jews, Disabled, mental, homosexuals...the useless eaters they are called today. Harry must have been made aware of this agenda and being such a compassionate soul like his dear mother so he could not stay in this rotten family...Courage!

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So what?

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terrible interviewer

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You actually watched the Netflix series????? My respect for you has dropped Hahahahaha!

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Petty much?

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It was annoying how she tried to disagree with you but was actually just missing the point. Was she trying to model herself on Lex Fridman? He knows how to push back well.

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