Censorship is indeed the core of the Great Reset agenda to manage our cognitive infrastructure.

Then why, why are so many promoting a psychology that says the exact opposite: that the "mechanistic thinking" of the population is the psychological road to total control that is totalitarianism, the real goal of the Great Reset wherein all "misinformation" is banished? It makes no sense to say that the people would in essence wish to be governed by a controlling and corrupt government, yet that's what's being said.

Government-sponsored censorship is the real and present danger we face, of course. The role of free speech has historically been to root out corruption and bad ministers in the government, and is why this is in our First Amendment as a check against such corruption, and why the ability to stifle criticism of corrupt and capricious rule is a coveted first goal of tyrants.

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“Don’t censor the Internet.” How quaint.

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You four first published this (excellent piece) with The American Mind, right?

That's what the dates would indicate...

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But what about anti-semantic pedal-files who ride their bikes and don't mix words! Surely they are DANGEROUS.

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