This may be just the thing to open up the minds of my siblings and wife. Thank you.

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I haven’t had a chance to read Kheriaty’s book yet, although I bought it before it was published. I’ve been too busy fighting a similar legal battle against Tomas J. Aragon, Newsome’s buddy from San Francisco, and the author of the alleged discriminatory CDPH health order of 11 August 2021. Thanks for the summary and critique. I’m looking forward to the read.

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Nice review. Makes me want to buy it and read it. Question: Does the book offer any solutions?

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Thank you Dr. Kheriaty - I've been watching your battle since early days.

One aspect of the entire Covid situation that I find very sad is that the Church could have mitigated some of the damage if it had only brought together the resources of the many excellent physicians / scientist / researchers in its own ranks to discuss and trade knowledge and experience and advise the Vatican. My husband is also a physician (pulmonologist / CEO of CET and founder of John Paul II Medical Research Institute) and did his best to warn early that the vaccines being developed would lack robust effectiveness and not stop transmission. He knew that the medical literature prior to Covid indicated that vaccines for respiratory viruses did not stop transmission because they bi-pass the respiratory immune system. There are many pre-Covid papers on Pub Med about this problem. My husband knew from reading the research on previous attempts at mRNA vaccines that they lacked efficacy in part due to the fact they only present a single subunit to the immune system instead of multiple viral antigens necessary for robust immunity. He wrote articles where he could - got pulled off of YouTube for "disinformation" - the same as many physicians attempting to get out the truth. The one global institution which might have vocally and loudly questioned the CDC / WHO narrative was the Catholic Church - and because it listened to secular authorities rather than its own talented and knowledgable people, great damage was done. Throughout history the Church has pursued the sciences and the gathering of knowledge. This is such a failure. My hope is that at some point the lesson will be learned and that it can be the Church along with other people of faith that can fight the coming attempts at bio-medical tyranny.

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This provides a sensitive preview. I am printing off copies to tuck into each copy of the book that I will be giving to medical student friends (and friends of friends) this Christmas. May your voice be heard.

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