Jul 5Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Glenn Greenwald covered this dissent and reached similar conclusions to yours. Good for Alito. As a layman I am very disappointed in the court’s ambivalence, and my cynical views of SCOTUS were validated, as they were in the Brunson case last year. The ideal and romantic view is that the court would be the last bulwark against tyranny as Madison had hoped. Here the court looked the other way and supported the criminal status quo. It refused to condemn executive violation of constitutional principles.

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Jul 5Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Thank you for posting. I'm glad this is hardly the final decision. It's rather disgusting how the other Supreme Court justices could look away (it seems almost deliberately since they're overlooking the obvious) from such obvious violations of the first amendment. Because they're on the left of the political spectrum. I've always been identified as being on the left. No more. I don't understand what's happened to the left/liberals/Democrats. They no longer stand for democracy.

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Jul 5Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

I’m not sure it even has to do with being “left“. I think it has to do with their social circle who were double maskers, laptop class, living in the same neighborhoods and going to the same schools as the children of government officials in Washington. Many wore masks outside and are still showing up in public places with them. And now they are back to the cocktail parties together… they bought into the Covid BS hook line and sinker and don’t want to renounce it in front of of their friends who still talk in hushed tones about people who did not get vaccinated in 2021.

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They can do what they like. I would like to be informed and do what I choose. After hundreds of studies on second hand smoke, one study gave the authoritarians enough to treat a whiff of tobacco smoke as kryptonite. First-hand smoke is dangerous. Second-hand smoke isn't.

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Don't you think the double maskers tend to the Dems who bought into the Covid BS hook, line and sinker--which I still don't get either. How did that end up being divided along political lines? I guess anything that's anti-Trump? Though he likes the vaccines which they don't seem to realize.

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Jul 6Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Thanks to Justice Alito for the roadmap. Godspeed!!

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Jul 5Liked by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Frankly the "most people are dumb and shouldn't be exposed to debates" attitude is getting worse with illegal immigration. The government knows best and doesn't want confusing thoughts entering the minds of the unwashed masses, the ultimate supremacy.

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For those of us who have not been following this issue closely, it would be very helpful to have a paragraph at the beginning to summarize the case and what happened. Thanks for your intelligent and thoughtful blog.

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