Citizen action is paramount against these tryannical bills. Reading these it's hard to believe CA is part of America.

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Getting scary, I will not lie. Want my nieces and nephews to do some college study in Europe. Make some connections and friends, and open up some opportunities. Do you see the USA getter better or worse over the next 3 decades? Looking at the above agenda, worse by far.

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There are more candidates with liberty and medical freedom showing up nationally and locally in some states. It is a long term fight to get liberty back

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Are there any Dems in the Assembly against these bills? If not, I sure hope legal challenges are being prepared...

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3. SB 866: lowers the age of covid vaccine consent to 12 years without parental notification or consent.

Federal judge blocks DC law allowing kids to get vaccinated without parental consent...

“Two crucial exchanges of information lie at the heart of the NCVIA. The first is the exchange of information from parent to doctor. Healthcare providers recommend against vaccinations if individuals reacted poorly to past immunizations. A VIS [Vaccine Information Statement] describes the risks of certain vaccines and explains when they are contraindicated… By removing the parent from the vaccine decision, the MCA [the D.C. law allowing children to be vaccinated without parents knowing] undercuts a key purpose of the VIS and a safety check before the vaccination.”



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Just as universities have increasingly become a one-stop-shop for anything an 18-22 year old might need (groceries, healthcare, etc.), I see this as schools becoming one-stop-shop centers for anything the state wants to push upon children.

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Excellent observation.

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Here is the list of bills being discussed this week


Here's how to send your comment, you can call, email, and snail mail or all.

Sending a hand written letter to your state senator and assemblyman, no later than tomorrow. You can add a personal note why you oppose them, but the main thing is that you send the letter opposing those bills NOW - a handwritten letter counts as 100 constituents opposing it, because no one sends letters anymore.

Here is how:

1) Determine who your Assemblyman and local State Senator is:


2) Write a polite, handwritten letter to your State Senator on all “SB” proposals and then do the same for all “AB” proposals to your Assemblyman.


“I strongly oppose SB871, SB2539, SB866, SB1479, SB1464, SB920, SB1100 and urge you to do the same and vote NO”

(Send to your local State Senator)

“I strongly oppose AB920, AB1993, AB1797, and AB2098 and urge you to do the same and vote NO”

(Send to your local Assemblyman)

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The people pushing these bills are evil, plain and simple. Resist them and treat them with the appropriate level of contempt.

The Democratic Party is completely corrupt and wicked for allowing itself to be the vehicle through which this tyranny gets realized. No surprise; that they celebrate the extirpation of human life in the womb is very telling. By their fruits, you shall know them.

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Sharing widely, totally freaked out and feeling like while CA has been my home state for 55 years, and I’ll always fight for it, I see an expiration date approaching soon.

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I hate to say "move" but you almost must consider it. Lived in Portland, OR for a bit and loved it. But right now, would never go back. What I loved the "progressive" politicians and policies destroyed. Including the culture of tolerance and acceptance.

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Sending a hand written letter to your state senator and assemblyman, no later than tomorrow. You can add a personal note why you oppose them, but the main thing is that you send the letter opposing those bills NOW - a handwritten letter counts as 100 constituents opposing it, because no one sends letters anymore.

Here is how:

1) Determine who your Assemblyman and local State Senator is:


2) Write a polite, handwritten letter to your State Senator on all “SB” proposals and then do the same

for all “AB” proposals to your Assemblyman.


“I strongly oppose SB871, SB2539, SB866, SB1479, SB1464, SB920, SB1100 and urge you to do the same and vote NO”

(Send to your local State Senator)

“I strongly oppose AB920, AB1993, AB1797, and AB2098 and urge you to do the same and vote NO”

(Send to your local Assemblyman)

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I don’t think CA is a bellwether anymore.........

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I hope not. But economically and politically, it still exerts great influence over the rest of the USA.

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AB 1993 seems to be dead in the water as of March 22

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This is really madness- Everyone needs to wake up. Praying for CA- God bless us all.

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The majority of these "dirty decade" of bills are sponsored by Richard Pan (Sacramento) either working on his own or working as a member of the "Vaccine Work Group" and/or the "Committee on Public Safety" which orgs themselves sponsor bills and other activities.

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