The coercive language Rob Flaherty uses towards this social media executive is straight out of any totalitarian regime - left or right. "Thanks, Rob," responds the executive cravenly. Reading it feels like a peek into hell. "The Vaccine" has become an excuse (or an experiment) for something even worse than "mandated" pharmaceuticals.

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Reading these directives clarifies the overall intent of government messaging: agree and comply. There is not room for discussion, for open debate. A manipulated population is desired and WILL be required. Totalitarian test run. Discussions are prohibited. Discussions are BAD. Any who deviate from accepted thought will be neutralized (and there are many ways to render one neutral). We do not even rate value as compost or a nutrient; they want us vaporized within society. That way we will not contribute in any way. Confirms depth of evil. Yes, I am sorry to have been proven right in my suspicions.

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Here's an example of the type of dangerous information Facebook had to censor, screenshots of my wrong-think which FB auto-deleted upon my post (this was August 1 2021):


For context this was a reply I made to a close friend on Facebook when he posted this article from CNN making the argument that these new variants were because not enough people were vaccinated.


As you can see, I said some very dangerous things which Facebook had to take action on.

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The link to your Facebook post is enlightening! Thanks for sharing.

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Too bad the constitution does not spell out the remedy for 1A violation. Removal from office would be fine in this case, but its a pipe dream.

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This is incredible. I mean I shouldn't be the least bit surprised, really...but the tone of Flaherty's missives just drives home the unchecked hubris and authoritarianism at the highest levels of our government.

Will hyperlink to my Substack Censorship post and share on social media, ASAP. Thanks for all you do, Aaron.

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The actions of the White House was treasonous. The punishment for those committing treason is death. The US code is clear and unequivocal.


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I think your post as written could easily egg people on. But perhaps that is your intention.

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We are all thinking a perfectly legal death after a due trial, of course.

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This is ... wow!

Just donated to NCLA. Let's get Jenin more scalps!

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Good luck with this suit. I lost staff privileges at a hospital in NNJ for deferring that shot even after i had natural covid in aug 2021. Since I was off the staff I couldn’t take call anymore. There is a group of about 10 of us surgical specialists that take call in the community and since my partners had to take up the slack they wanted me to PAY them for the weeks that they had to take that I couldnt.

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"Rob Flaherty, White House director of digital strategy, should be fired, become socially ostracized, and subjected to lawsuit after lawsuit until his dying day." So said I in my most recent, https://pomocon.substack.com/p/cdc-center-for-democracy-corrosion I was partly inspired by this post.

There is no delinking what I call the Covid/Vax Disaster from the Free-Speech Suppression Scandal. Kheriaty's suit goes to the heart of the link, and may the WSJ continue to make amends for its long periods of egregious silence on these issues.

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Flaherty sounds like a mob bully and the Facebook exec fell right in line. Due to this bullying of social media and I’m sure regular media, legitimate medical/scientific voices were silenced/discredited, and countless people didn’t see/trust information contrary to the narrative, and thousands have and will die.

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