They do think we’re stupid. And, unfortunately, there is a significant portion of the population that is, that follows these headlines with a “hmmm, we should pay attention!”. I’m continually mystified how some of my most intelligent friends, PhDs and people I’ve always considered to be really bright, fall for this crap because they believe the legacy media could never lie to them! They’re the low hanging fruit. Then there’s the country club set that drinks together every night, criticizing government yet doing absolutely nothing. They know there’s trouble but think they’re untouchable. They travel the world like nothing’s changed.

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In fairness, PhDs are like cattle who were trained that white stripes in the road are the same as those spaced pipes in the road that they can't cross. It's like the opposite of the normal reaction to the doctor's rubber hammer on the knee.. Bright people aren't stupid. They learn to hold their tongues and speak PC.

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Proving that credentials and wisdom or even intelligence are not well corrlated.

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They think we are stupid sudden death variant...

The cause of 14-year-old Harris Wolobah's death has not yet been confirmed, but he reportedly ate the spicy Paqui Chips' product at school before going home sick the day he died.

Worcester school officials confirmed to The Boston Globe that while attending school on Friday, Harris began feeling ill and went to the nurse’s office. He was then reportedly released early so he could go home with his parents.

Harris’ mother, Lois Wolobah, told NBC10 Boston that a classmate gave him the chip at school, and that he suffered a bad stomach ache as a result. He felt better when he got home, she reportedly said, but as they were about to leave for basketball tryouts, his brother discovered that he’d fainted.


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They do these stupid things to continue testing just how much horse poop they can get us to eat.

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And when it fails, they shrug like the broke-ass 2 who hit on a 9 who stepped out of a limousine. Scotland will of course break from the UK because they keep having votes. It's persistence, as we learned in Think and Grow Rich (highly recommended and about success in general).

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Its ironically true though, isn’t it. Was it Benjamin Franklin, who when I asked what kind of government they had created, said, “a republic, if you can keep it”

“democracy “ mob rule, its two wolves and a sheep voting on whats for dinner.

I dont want to live in a democracy

In some respects, I would prefer living under a monarch, because at least the monarch would treat the country and his subjects as his own personal property, and might actually care about the value of his property

Democratic leaders have an incentive to exploit every resource at their disposal for personal gain while they’re in office. There is no pride of ownership.

I would much rather give up the right to vote if we had the government, and the rights of minorities were respected

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Monarchy is looking better and better. Not to mention the utter lack of a sense of Noblesse Oblige among those atop our political/economic/cultural institutions. Evil grifters.

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err.... no

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We are stupid.

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Not nose-picking! I'm a goner.

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We have nose pickers and masturbaters or the alternative, liars. Studies that rely on self reporting are like polls (to which reporters are addicted) long after they were debunked. I can say honestly that I don't respond to polls of any kind.

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Here's the plan, storms 'n' stuff are the result of climate change (Hemmingway's Charlie and Me notwithstanding since it mentions a hurricane way back then). Storms create refugees. Climate change refugees are allowed into the U.S. Anyone who disagrees is a climate denier. Elites have access to a virtually permanent underclass for cheap labor. Their children aren't and elites have to move to avoid taxes. It's like strip mining.

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