Twitter Spaces Q & A This Evening
You are invited to join this conversation today, following the airing of my most recent American Thought Leaders Interview
I will be hosting a Q & A on Twitter Spaces this evening (9 PM Eastern / 6 PM Pacific) following the airing of my newest American Thought Leaders Interview with Jan Jekielek.
If you are not familiar with Twitter Spaces, it’s pretty simple: just open the link to join the audio-only format from a web browser or smartphone (you might need to download the Twitter app if you’re using a phone). Once you are in the Spaces you can press a button to raise your hand and ask a question. I’ll try to answer as many of your questions as I can in the ninety minutes we have allotted.

Here’s the trailer and a link for the interview which streams later today, if you want to watch it before the Spaces Q & A:

I hope you can join us for the Q & A, and I hope you enjoy the interview. Feel free to share these links with others who may want to join.
Is there an option other than one that requires a Twitter account? I wish Elon Musk well but he and Theil also stated PayPal and look what happened when they left. Competition is key to preventing monopolies and the authoritarian power that comes with them. Long way of saying I’m staying off Twitter but would be interested in some of the Q &A’s.
Great interview on American Thought Leaders! You give so much to think about....I plan to get your book! I have always felt that science was my religion as it could provide answers and explanations but now having seen that it too can be corrupted and politicized, I'm more interested in religion for community and reflection. I now understand the comfort in hearing that at least somebody (Jesus) loves you when one is walking around thinking differently than everyone else.....