"The CDC’s stated reason for withholding much of its data was that it did not want to increase vaccine hesitancy".

To me, this is one of the worst evils of this situation. They have an a priori agenda, irrespective of the facts, or sound public health principles. They want "a needle in every arm". They justify anything - withholding information, coercing people... - to achieve this purpose. If they perceive that doing what is right may "increase vaccine hesitancy" they will opt for doing what is morally wrong. It is a disgrace.

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Someone I never knew to be “skeptical” emailed me a passage from this article.

Your message is getting through.

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Very good, thank you for mentioning this.

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I just finished reading The New Abnormal book by Kheriaty. I will give this book to my son-in-law for Christmas. He is in his 2nd year of medical school at UC Irvine where Kheriaty worked for 15 years as a practicing physician and Professor of Medical Ethics until he was fired in 2021 for refusing an experimental vaccine. Already recovered from Covid, Kheriaty understood the benefits of Natural Immunity. Because the CDC refused to legitimized Natural Immunity until months later, Kheriaty and millions of others were fired for refusing the Covid vaccine. As a medical ethics professor, Kheriaty also understood Informed Consent laws that were totally discarded by the vaccine mandate. What a rich semester it would have been for my son-in-law and all the UC Irvine medical students to rehash the pandemic response debacle with a Medical Ethics professor who had the courage to walk his talk. The good news, however, is that this book is now available to a worldwide audience challenged with learning from the mistakes made when medical ethics are blatantly trampled in favor of profits, power and control. Kheriaty has written a thoroughly researched and chilling account of the mass deception that took place worldwide. I highly recommend this book to everyone.

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The next generation answer to vaccine hesitancy is "morality pills":

"To them, morality is a collectivist mindset, lack of critical thinking, and compliance. The article explains that some people lack “moral qualities” and refuse to wear masks or take Covid vaccines, or even deny climate change..."

Source: Should Individualism be Medicated Away to be Replaced by "Welfarism?"


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"Although the minimal conditions for justifying vaccine mandates were never close to being met, ..."

Haven't we seen enough to realize that medical mandates are no less a threat to freedom and life than Communism itself? Our "public health" gov't-enabled monopoly is ill conceived, giving men enormous power over us brainless peasants, and causing perverse incentives. They even murder unborn children to grow disease in their flesh because they can force the vx into all the kids. It's code "Dracula" on the NASDAQ, bottom line.

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Thank You, Aaron

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Special treat catching you with Jimmy Dore earlier & fab show!! It takes a day or so for live shows to be upload to Rumble and Rokfin so watch to post the segment links! <3



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