Strict product liability should apply to vaccinations. What an ironic product to not have meaningful liability!

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I believe Fauci, et al didn't even realize they were funding the Wuhan lab but once it leaked out of the lab, they decided to do everything possible to hide it and profit off of it.

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Fauci et al knew exactly what they were funding in the Wuhan lab. That’s why Fauci made several trips to the CIA (well documented by several whistleblowers and covered by some media) to solicit their help to quash any suggestion COVID-19 came from the lab or was used in gain of function research. Collins as well.

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I can't argue with you. It very well could be true. I was just going by the sudden change in Fauci's demeanor when he went from "This virus is no big deal" to "PANIC!!"

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In fairness, this lack of oversight allowed a massive human subjects experiment without all the hassle of an Internal Review Board review. My cousin's husband died of massive clotting after getting the Pfizer"vaccine." But his death is valuable data for big pharma, so a silver lining.

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