"To combat misinformation..." meaning to control information and maintain censorship

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My thoughts exactly.

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Would have felt better about this if the word misinformation had had quotation marks around it...

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Wow, I didn’t expect that answer from AI! Seems rather positive but I’m not getting super hopeful. I’m cautiously optimistic you win this and our rights under the First Amendment are restored! Praying diligently! 🙏🏻🇺🇸

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I used my Magic 8 Ball to get just as definitive an answer! But it was more succinct and didn't use the verb "tackle," a mark of a shitty writer.

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Oh so "intelligent" - but lacking moral clarity. This is the "mind" that will be "informing" the masses.

It's funny how it's written in the style and format of a middle school writing assignment; how helpful for workshy students!

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Truly a non-answer!!

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