Thank you for a great discussion. The expectation/aspiration of transhumanists that society will be transformed in the future via a bioengineered redesign of human nature parallels older "progressive" technocratic ideologies that see eugenics and/or top-down engineering of the culture and the economy in such terms.

There are a number of flaws in such world views, the most obvious ones being that (1) an elitist centralization of knowledge and planning in fact inhibits social progress and competitiveness, no matter how intelligent the would-be philosopher-kings (or their AI bots) think they are; and (2) the full exercise of one's moral and intellectual autonomy is necessary for an adult human being to optimize their personal pursuit of happiness, with such autonomy being incompatible with attempts by elites (however benevolent their intentions and efficacious their methods may be) to impose their utopian "vision" of a better and/or more competitive social order on non-elites.

It is noteworthy that many transhumanists like Yuval Hariri insist that morality is an arbitrary subjective construct, not something that is objectively discernable from the facts of human nature. Once it is acknowledged that adult humans in fact have an innate need their personal liberty and property as much as they have an innate need for food, water, and shelter, the top-down philosopher-king model of intentional social improvement collapses. Likewise, the decentralized nature of knowledge creation and the necessity of competitive feedback mechanisms for the functioning of many social institutions (like the role that free market prices play in making the rational planning of production possible) refutes the intellectual conceit underlying "progressive" visions of top-down control.

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mRNA, climate alarmism, gender distortion, and AI all intersect to perpetuate the Transhumanist Agenda... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/transhumanism-is-the-extermination?r=8ypo0

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It's closer to the dark side of ModeRNA science or Modernª warfare. When Israel is at WAR, G-D is at WAR. (Deuteronomy 20) The jab effects (triple helix) in conjunction with their rise to power, deserves proper light.

WHO to STOP℠ blueprints the dark. #GodWins foreshadows. Knowing Deuteronomy and Revelations with this work, puts one close to the divine. As a servant of G-D, (non-clergy) like my grandfather before me in Communications, I issue his best practices and the rebukes for loving corrections.

Understanding GOØD understand. I am blessed with 1 of the largest legal networks in the world. To stand firm is HIS test of patience long suffering, not long Covid. He is 1-sided on fear as it opposes trust (Proverbs 29:25) "I SEE vagina is a phrase he would utter to me with male practitioners scared to write turbo cancer on a note. Tough love from Creator of vagina, is still loving correction for goød. Who will be 1st to pen?

R.Ű. Műrderna?

Patient Zero?



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Great interview, Lila is an awesome interviewer as well. Thank you Dr. Kheriaty

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